Sunday, February 27, 2005





我们周围都人来人往, 他们都来自不同的背景...
有谁真的会放下脚步, 细心观察?

让邱披得的弓箭, 射在你和她的身上, 步上人生的红地毯~~


Saturday, February 26, 2005



有人可以像童话故事里的白雪公主, 只要被白马王子亲吻脸颊, 就能苏醒过来了?
有人可以像童话故事里的七个小矮人, 那么地自由自在, 毫无忧虑吗?
有人可以像童话故事里的灰姑娘, 过了十二点, 一切将恢复原貌吗?
有人可以像童话故事里的美人鱼, 长得那么甜美, 美丽吗?
有人可以像童话故事里的天使, 敞开双手, 变成翅膀来守护你吗?

难道, 世界就是那么美好, 让我们生活在"完美" 的童话故事里....
或许, 这就是每个人的愿望....
当然, 我也不例外!

后记:听了-光良- "童话", 才有感而发~


-跟着月亮慢慢走- (tension)
Oh...怎么每一年这个时候 我就特别的特别寂寞 天上的月光一样那么温柔
回忆起一样是秋的季节 一样心痛的痛的滴血 。
一样想念是 烈烈的酒 一样还难以忘记 爱不能长留
如果我能把你放在口袋里带走 一切是否不同 baby
走 跟着月亮我们慢慢走 就好像是好久以前 要到哪里 我始终陪在你的左右
世界要变就变 无所谓 为爱而走一回 牵不到你的手 就跟着月亮慢慢走
(我们曾拥有Special Love)
不管身边现在他是谁 我都祝福My Girl
月圆月缺 月缺月圆 有一天会想起来 Oh...
Wu...一样是秋的季节 一样心还会痛的痛的滴血
一样想念烈的像酒 一样还难以忘记

后记: 夜深人静的夜晚, 你是否抬头看看外面的星空...
也许, 流星划过的夜空, 点缀着你的生活....
走~ 跟着月亮, 我们慢慢地走~

# 祝我生日快乐 #

我知道伤心不能改变什么 那么让我诚实一点
只要关上了门 不必理谁
一个人坐在空荡包厢里面 手机让它休息一夜
难想切割 切掉回忆的画面
眼泪不能流过 12点
生日快乐 我对自己说
蜡烛点了 寂寞凉了
生日快乐 泪也融了
我要谢谢你给的 你拿走的一切还爱你 带一点恨
还要时间 才能平衡
热恋伤痕 画面重生

后记: 或许, 一句祝福已很足够让一个人幸福, 懂得珍惜自己的每一秒
让自己过得充实, 美满...


-Stand By Me-
When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
Well, I won't be afraid
No, I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand
Stand by me
So darling, darling,
Stand by me,
Want you stand by me
Just as long as you stand,
Stand by me
When the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
And the mountains crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry,
No, I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand
Stand by me
So darling, darling,
Stand by me,
I want you stand by me
I want you stand, I want you stand
Stand by me
Darling, darling,Stand by me
,I want you, stand by me
I want you stand, I want you stand
Stand by me
When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
I won't cry, No I won't cry,
No, I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you fucking stand by me
So darling, darling,Stand by me,
I want you stand by me
I want you stand, I want you stand
Stand by me
Darling, darling,Stand by me,
I want you stand by me
I want you stand, I want you stand
Stand by me
When the sky that we look upon
Crumble and fall
And the mountains tumble to the sea
I won't cry, No I won't cry,
No, I won't be afraid
Just as long as you fucking stand by me
Darling, darling,Stand by me,
I want you stand by me
I want you stand, I want you stand
Stand by me
Darling, darling,Stand by me,
I want you stand by me
I want you stand, I want you stand
Stand by me
Darling, darling,Stand by me,
I want you, stand by me
I want you stand, I want you stand
Stand by me
Darling, darling,Stand by me,
I want you, stand by me
I want you stand, I want you stand
Stand by me

This is the lovely song that i have with my dearest....2005


你有听过"黄昏", 这首情歌吧?




那么, "黎明"的感觉, 又是怎样的呢?


不在乎天长地久, 只在乎曾经 "拥有" ...

一天, 一年, 十年, 一百年...
或许, 你可以告诉我?

可是, 我曾经拥有过, 也是可以很值得珍惜的~
一段感情的过去, 另一段感情的来临, 我都能微笑的接受 *.~

我是真的曾经拥有过: 过去, 现在, 未来...
过去就让它过去, 一切都来不及...从头再喜欢你, 那也只是一种缠绵~

Friday, February 25, 2005


你喜欢彩虹吗? 你有看过彩虹吗?


黑色总是代表着--寂寞, 空虚, 魔鬼, 斗争......





无论如何, 每个人都有自己的方程式去选择, 看待和维持他们的恋爱生活!..我也是!


有时候, 寂寞会杀死一个人...

这夜, 停电了
路边的一盏街灯, 静静地照亮我的床上...
四周黑漆漆一片, 微微的徐光陪伴着我...
我的心情交杂一起, 脑海翻云覆海...

好空虚! 好复杂! 我的心是一片空白...
我想得到安抚, 可是我却没有...




为什么人类总是要"复杂" 而放弃"简单" 呢?



飞机场--是一座舞台, 这里每天都在上演着不同的戏剧.
有人在等待, 有人离开, 有人重聚, 有人为了工作而忙碌......
每个人都扮演着不同的角色, 上演着不同的故事, 得到不同的结局.
可是, 一切还是归咎于"缘分"...

只因有缘分, 人类才有"爱"...
朋友之爱... 不一定每个人都因"爱情" 而走在一起...或许, 一句祝福已很足够!
情人之爱... 小小的争吵, 大大的幸福, 都是"缘分"的功力, 才能把情人联系一起!
家庭之爱... 温暖的每一餐, 甜美的一吻, 只因"爱情"与"缘分", 赐给你最好的礼物!

你听到吗? 你看到吗? 你触摸到吗? 你感受到吗?

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

A horror story !

This was a story i listened from my friend whom really experienced it...

Meet my "friends"
A silent night, im waiting for the next day coming.Oh, it is already 2am. However, im still awake. I send sms to my dearest but no response from my dearest? what happened to him?
Now, im in my hometown-MIRI. This is due to my grandpa past away since last saturday. I have to come back MIRI and attend the funeral.I tired enough.Wow~i have only taken some biscuits and drink a cup of milo as my dinner. how pity am I ?I'm just feel like so lonely and moody. There is no other people in my house because most of them have already gone back to kampung and organise the funeral.
However, i'm still have 2 pets accompanying me. They are PUSSY and DOGGY. Suddenly, there is a noise coming from the kitchen. I have no idea about it. Then, i go to kitchen and check it out. Oh, no result at all. One minute later, there is another noise coming from the garden. I want to know what is really happening in my house. I make myself become more tough and open the gate. I hide up myself behind the palm tree. I see "him" !! I cannot believe what am I seeing now!! "He" is TOM . "He" is used to be my friend, however, he was died in an accident happened last few years. In my mind is totally blank. Later on, there is another "girl" comes to "him". I can see "her" necklace which named "RINA". Oh, i remember that "she" was TOM's girlfriend.
Rina was died in a rapping case.
I hold my hands tight and pray for god ! God gives me love and make me become more brave. I do not want to disturb them and try to escape from the garden. So, i walk towards my house as slow as i can . Finally, "they" see me. "They" shout my name and stop me. At this moment, i cannot move my body as well as "they" come towards me. I can smell the odour from "them". Rina said, "Jerry, How are you? Where have you been?" . " What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here." I replied. Tom said, "we just pass by here."
Rina asks me to turn over and give them a glance. I reject them.
A few minutes later, there is a strong wind blowing. At this moment, my body can move and i try to turn back. Oh, they have gone !
I rush back to my house and calm down myself. I'm really cannot expect what did i see just now. The next day, i keep this secret and do not even to tell anybody. This is because i know nobody will believe on me. After that, i go to my kampung and attend the funeral.

Do U believe it?