Friday, February 23, 2007


每个人都有自己的生活? 简单的? 多姿彩的?

好想拥有一个人, 但却感到很遥远,
离开的时候, 什么承诺都许下了, 实现的又有几个呢?
无法了解他的生活经过, 痛苦的, 或幸福快乐的...
好想放弃这一切, 难以释怀地还是彼此的深爱过!

回忆录里, 储存了许多美好及伤痛过的事物
曾经共同幸福过, 快乐地陪伴左右
亦曾互相争吵过, 怒气地不理对方

告诉我, 应该如何呢?



新年已经过了, 接下来的日子还得过..
可是,应该如何好好地规划呢? 这是个难题..
每次, 我总是规范了好几个计划, 但我却心有余而力不足

这种情景, 就尤如滂沱大雨后, 一切归回于热闹的城市.
每个人都为自己的生活打拼, 干活儿..
各有各的忙, 关心的照顾亦减少了, 嘘寒问暖都随之忘却了!


Sunday, February 18, 2007

A famosa trip with KDU-mates

Louis Vuitton

You see this !! Indeed, you have no problem with your eyes. This is certainly the LOUIS VUITTON from Starhill Galery KL. I just have my 1st ever LV wallet, my very dreamy brand.

I can't describe how awesome whilst I have it on my hands. Anyway, indeed, i must thank to my uncle who bought for me. Perhaps, this was my christmas gift and its a fantastic one.

Gong xi fa cai 2007

It's 2007 now. Everyone is celebrating a great Chinese New Year with their families.
Yes, i do so. It has nothing special but appreciate this moment to bring us together.
The headache part would be where to go for vacation during this short holidays with my family.
It has been my 4th time to celebrate Chinese New Year in this concrete city.

According to the expert sayings, Tiger boy or girl is having a great year and with all the lucks.
Therefore, i wish i could grab all of the opportunities and do my very best to every single matters. Nonetheless, Health and Wealth would be better if i could benefit from these so.

Anyway, Gong Xi Fa Cai to everyone and everything is running smooth all the time.