Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Conflict ??

Today is 31st Oct 2007 ! Another 2 months will be 2008 !
I have a bad day today..I have my exam over..I supposed to be happy today !!
And yet, I have lost my perfume during exam.
What the Fcuk? Where did i drop it? I have really no idea about it and I can't believe it. Or someone has stolen it?
Gosh, apparently the receiver of this was unhappy with such outcome.
However,I feel more upset upon such incident !!
I hate the thieve.I wana curse him..damn him off !! Bad luck always..

Thursday, October 25, 2007


昨天, 我与朋友在电话里聊天关于一些感情问题, 他给我很大的启示...

我是绝对一个执著的人, 这是金牛座的本性!
我对感情专一, 用情深切...
我从来没有为对方着想, 我一直都把自己的方式, 运用在对方的身上
可是, 这绝对是错的!不是我认为应该的, 对方就会认同我?
我把事情都整理或过滤才进行, 这是我的做事方式!
但是, 一旦模式已成, 对方也得跟着我的方式进行, 根本没有给予他发挥的空间?
我爱制造浪漫与惊喜! 因为我生活上并没有人给我惊喜, 所以我运用在对方的身上...
或许,一年以内该制造的浪漫, 我却短短的一个月内完成..那接下来的日子是怎么渡过呢?
我根本没有放下脚步, 回头望望或问候, 他的步伐是否追上呢?

我钻牛角尖.我敏感.我要求.我埋怨.我盲目地付出.我过火.我冲动.我太过自我.我想像太多.我没有享受.. (有待增加中)

这是非常错误的恋爱公程式, 我是否需要让彼此有呼吸和发挥的空间呢?

Thursday, October 18, 2007


不需要什么的见证人, 不需要什么的隆重婚礼

不需要什么的观众, 不需要什么的华丽艳服

一切由心出发, 两个人的爱情是无法用话语来感动对方

小小的戒指, 可以得到大大的希望和祝福

你相信吗? 别追问这段感情可以持久多久...

但我是珍惜这一分一秒与你相处的时间, 至少我知道, 直到现在我是拥有着...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sacrifice or Valuing?

Love + Sacrifice = Marriage

People always calculating or predicting what is the value of a relations.
You love one more than the another party loving you or vice versa.
No one can weigh or balancing the value of love.

Yet, I believe everything is mutual. If there is no mutual committment by both parties, then this is not a workable relations.
One-sided love is always a form of stupidity unless you enjoy it.
It must be fair to each others. Neither one could only give, nor the other party does not take it.
This formula is wrong and thus the answer will never be revealed.
The party at fault would not realise the mistake until you tell him/her so.

Please be reasonable and rational when you are into a relations. This is the only formula to make things right !

Monday, October 15, 2007

Probation period

Love is a test ! do you agree?

Love is very uncertain and ambigious in certain extent. You do not know how to identify who is the real one to you. Yet, no one is perfect ! me either...

When you involve into a relations, you would have so many imaginations, expectations and hopes towards this. For instance, you would expect how long could this relations run? Imaging how important of one party to another? all these are out of our neither...

Therefore, one would take love as a challenge or test. Giving a probation period to justify how deep is this relations..determine how click of the parties towards to each others..

Saturday, October 13, 2007


原来, 我一直都秉持着一个错误的信念.
我都认为爱情是一种习惯! 或许, 这可以是少许人的观念..

一段长久的恋情, 之所以可以维持了一段时间或者一辈子
家人就是最好的例子, 因为他们占据你的生活的大部分

为了要坚持一段有'爱'的感情和婚姻, 付出是必然的!
但是, 当对的人在对的时间出现, 感情的火花也燎燃了...
把对方看成是自己生活的一部分, 缺少了一个图块, 就是一幅不完整的拼图了!
他不是你的包袱, 而是陪伴一生的光耀...

Love is not a Habit

Recently, a friend of mine share this point of view with me:-

We always ask how do you define a true love? Why would the couple stay for few years or forever in a single relationship?
We are curious about this Questions and we always have doubts. Nevertheless, people would have each point of view to sort out the answer. The fact is always varied by the substance and form of the relationship.

Well, I always presume that Love is a form of habit. One has invoked relations with another. No matter it is a succeeded example, at least, one has enjoyed the moment of love with another party. Indeed, no one is forced to or compulsory to stay with a non-fruithful love. When you come to the right place, you meet the right person and the moment is clicked, the spark of love is lighted !! Therefore, love at first sight is always happened.

The next Question is how long could the relations be kept ? Few months or years ? Everlasting forever? No one could predict and yet God does. No one could expect the other party have the same and equal balance on your probabilities. Certainly, I do envy couple could stay a relations for 'decade'..This is definitely awesome and lovely!

In other words, people may opinion that Love is a form of life. One has intrudes to another's life with full consent of the former. It is full of passion and love. Both parties have worked hard and strike the balance of each other's lifestyle. When the passion is faded, the other party may leave the 'life'..A relations which can last everlasting is very precious. This is because of a form of life. One has adapted to another's invasion in life and love. Without either of them, the substance of life is modified and lose the original norm. No, this is not what the initial form of love in this relations !

What and which do you agree with ?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Work is stressing me

Human being is always conflicting to each other mentally and physically..
Mentally, the brain tells them to do this and that. Physically, the body is out of the order !

Student always hopes to get rid of studies and goes out to the society to expose themselves.
Whilst it is not a smart choice when you have come to the conclusion.

I have gone through 3 months legal attachment few months back. Well, i did learn something.
However, Work is really stressing myself. That's why I always hope the clock would go as fast as possible. As such,I could go back to study and reduce the mental exhausting danger.
And yet, my nightmare has not gone yet. My boss offered me to go work as part timer to help them out. I accepted consequently. When I get back to the table and environment, I always try to be focus to listen every single order and duties I have been delegated. Thus, I could reduce the mistake as much as possible. Besides, My boss and colleagues are loving me so much by giving guidance and concerns all about..It is really sweet !

Anyway, I wish I could proceed as far as I can. Trying to induce myself to love this job and contribute more committment to my works.

Learning to be Strong and Smart is the best knowledge that I would have gained ! Gambatee !

Sunday, October 07, 2007

kuantan beach trip 2007

Who cares about me?

When the time is right, when the person is right...
The sparke of the love would alight.
I do not need a very special person with special characteristic nor wonderful background.
Nevertheless, this special person must come with good intention.

Do you have the truly-heart and caring attitude to communicate with me?
I believe that we should have contribute to the relations. It is a form of give and take.
No matter how much substance you have committed, you should have committed to the subject.
If the foundation of the relations were not as strong as suppose to, it will not be everlasting.

Who willing to gimme care all about ? Who willing to gimme the love which the person could contribute?

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Do I Really Have A Choice?

Since young till im already a 21 year old man, I have never intend to conduct my life in my way.
I should not blame this out when everyone seems giving me chance to change.
And yet, is there anybody know that what i really want to do?
I have no choice to choose where to study my high school when i was 12year old.
I have no opportunity to be given to achieve my ambitious. I only can perform it when people does not need that opportunity.
I have to consider the eldest and the youngest brothers when I do something in between.
No, No...i really have no choice.
Why can my elder brother be the pearl in the eyes of my family? when I think he is not worth for anything.
Why can my younger brother be that lucky enough to pursue his study which he intends to? He can fly to Australia without concerning about the expenses. What am I?
I need to study the cheapest and yet toughest course when I have no choice. However, not everyone understands my harshness. They just see the surface. If you have good result, they would say you deserve to work hard on it. Yet, when you fail, they would just blame that you ain't study smart but play hard !
Forget it ! I don't give a Damn ! I just need to complete my degree ~That's all !
After that, get out of my life. Because I would choose my pathway to achieve my objective !